sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Production optimization using nodal analysis Beggs

Any production well is drilled and completed to move the oil or gas from its original location in the reservoir to the stock tanck or sales line. Movement or transportof these fluids requires energy to overcome friction losses in the system and to lift tha prodcuts to the surface. The fluids must travel through the reservoir and the piping system and ultimately flow into a separator for gas-liquid separation. The production system can be relatively simple or can include many components in wich energy or pressure occur.

  • Production System Analysis
  • Reservoir Performance
  • Flow in Pipes and Restrictions

Nombre: Production optimization using nodal analysis Beggs
Autor: H. dales. Beggs
Paginas: 1076 Pages
Publicador: Gulf Professional Publishing (Oct 1996)
Idioma: Ingles
Hospedaje: Uploaded | Depositfiles
Contraseña: www.casapetrolera.blogspot.com

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