sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

casing design. Theory and practice

At a certain stage during the drilling of oil and gas wells. it becomes necessary to line the walls of a borehole with steel pipe which is called casing. Casing serves numerous purposes during the drilling and production history of oil and gas wells, these include:

  1. Keeping the hole open by preventing the weak format ions from collapsing. i.e., caving of the hole.
  2. Serving as a high strength flow conduit to surface for both drilling and production fluids.
  3. Protecting the freshwater-bearing formations from contamination by drilling and production fluids.
  4. Providing a suitable support for wellhead equipment and blowout preventers for controlling subsurface pressure. and for the iristallation of tubing and sulxurface equipment.
  5. Providing safe passage for running wireline equipment
  6. Allowing isolated comunication whit selectivrely perforated foriiiation(s) of interest.
Nombre: casing design. Theory and practice
Autor: S.S. Raham
Paginas: 271 Pages
Publicador: Elsevier 1995
Idioma: Ingles
Hospedaje: Uploaded | Depositfiles
Contraseña: www.casapetrolera.blogspot.com

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