sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Drilling fluids operations manual

This manual is not a training document, but is intended to be instructional and aimed at engineers and technicians who are already familiar with drilling fluid technology. It is particularly intended to meet with Eni-Agip’s operational requirements.

This manual addresses the Company’s fluid operators, drilling engineers and all those involved in the supervision of the work carried out by contractor companies and in the planning or evaluation of the drilling fluids to be employed. However, it does not aim to be a comprehensive all encompassing document giving information on the entire subject, but aims to provide sufficient information to support the company’s technicians in better use of fluid technology.

Nombre: Drilling fluids operations manual
Autor: Eni s.p.a.Agip division
Paginas: 155 Pages
Publicador: Class III electronic document
Idioma: Ingles
Hospedaje: Uploaded | Depositfiles
Contraseña: www.casapetrolera.blogspot.com

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